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Call Number 


The call number is a combination of numbers and/or letters that appears on the books spine. When you search for a book you will be given the title, author and call number. 


Ex: If you search for "The Hunger Games"

your search will yield:

The Hunger Games

 Call # Fic Coll 

Collins, Suzanne.


Call # Codes

Fiction is F or Fic then the first 3 or 4 letters of the authors last name

Nonfiction is a # from 001 to 999 followed by the authors last name

Biography is listed as B plus the authors last name

Reference is listed as Ref then a number

MCHS Library Catalog

If you are wondering if we have the book you want just search Destiny Quest.


You can personalize your Destiny account by logging in with your lunch number as your username and password. 

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